Monday, March 28, 2005


April 2005 United Airlines magazine called Hemispheres has an article on page 26 entitled "Women on Wheels" and it's a wonderful commentary about female motorcycle riders.

One day I got a reach out from the editor of that particular mag asking if I would write something for them...oh I was quite happy to do so, yes indeed. But it wouldn't be all my opinion or perspective about things.

Oh no.

It needs to have lots of voices, I thought, like I usually do about these things....the sisterhood needs to so-called "write this" with me. So I dialed into Rebecca Bortner, Jan Plessner, Carla King, Christine Marafioti-Firehoch, Alice Sexton and got their voices heard, as well.

I only had 250 words to work with. Whoa. I'm a dialoger....logger....word hogger...

But it was done. And the article featured all the other voices, too.

There are references sites attached to the article as well. I hope all the ladies enjoy the web traffic that I hope that article spins for them.

So look for it when you're soaring through the air, on United Airlines.

United we stand...or ride.

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